Carmen Concha

Carmen is currently an MBA candidate in Columbia Business School. She is recipient of Columbia's Feldberg Fellowship and a Forte Fellowship, which is intended to increase the number of women in MBA programs. 

Before joining Columbia’s MBA program, Carmen had a successful career at Santander Global Banking and Markets division in Chile, reaching a Vice President position in less than five years. After graduating, she worked at the Structured Derivatives team for 1.5 years and then joined the Investment Banking team, where she was promoted to Associate ahead of schedule. In 2008, Carmen was chosen with another 30 people from the 10.000 Santander´s employees to participate in the first version of the leadership program “Alas”, oriented to developing leadership skills of employees with high potential for becoming senior executives. In 2009, she joined Santander’s Equity Research team, where she was promoted to Vice President. In 2010, she was honored with the title of deputy manager (“Subgerente”), becoming one of the youngest members of Santander´s managerial group. As a research analyst, she ranked first within the analysts that covered the Chilean retail sector. 

Carmen graduated Summa cum Laude from Universidad Catolica de Chile, ranking first among the 30 students in the class of Master in Industrial Engineering and fourth among the 468 students in the class of Engineering. She also organized Universidad Catolica’s social works in Chilean rural communities, working in the coordination of logistics and workshops oriented to teach basic business notions to micro-entrepreneurs in the visited areas. Carmen enjoys traveling, cooking and reading. She is also passionate for Flamenco Spanish dance, and practiced it regularly and performed in public since 2008.